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The Fine Collection Center Ending. Effective April 1, 2019, the Boone and Callaway county prosecuting attorneys (PA) will begin receiving Violations Bureau uniform citations (UC) from the Missouri State Highway patrol through the “PA Portal.” Violations Bureau citations written in Boone and Callaway counties after April 1 will no longer be processed by the Fine Collection Center.
Violations Bureau citations received and processed by the prosecuting attorney will be electronically filed by the PA to the court. Defendants must respond to their ticket by the court date shown on the citation by either pleading guilty and paying the fine or by appearing in court on the date specified and pleading not guilty. To plead guilty and pay a fine, a defendant can:

  1. Use the Plead and Pay feature on Case.net. The Plead and Pay icon will only display if the case is eligible for a non-court appearance.
  2. Mail the signed Plea of Guilty, Appearance and Waiver that appears with the citation and return it along with money order or cashier’s check (in U.S. dollars) for the full amount due payable to the court listed on the citation.
  3. Pay at the court listed on the citation.

To plead not guilty, the defendant must appear on the court date and time provided on the citation.