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Greetings from the President!

Esteemed colleagues:

Welcome to the new digital home of our Boone County Bar Association! A lot of hard work went into this comprehensive redesign of our web home. Major props to Steve Scott for his hard work building the site from the ground up. Building a website with as many features as we now have at our disposal is complicated, time-consuming and takes a special attention to detail.

We are lucky to have dedicated members Steve Scott and Thad Taylor to make sure using our new site is easy and intuitive. The mission was to make the site easy to use and highly interactive – Steve knocked it out of the park!

Take a moment to click around, check out the features, find the bugs we need to fix, and give us feedback for the future.

If you have any thoughts or ideas, email me, Steve Scott or Thad Taylor.


Best, Josh Oxenhandler
2015-16 President